Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Get to the height you belong

Choosing a fulfilling career comes out of adequate consideration. To be successful in your career, you first have to assess yourself in order to determine the type of career that befits your unique nature. To achieve this, here are some factors to consider.

Talent is the ability to do things freely without much stress. It is what you are good at .This could be teaching, taking care of the sick or any other personal or social activity. So, careful consideration of your skills before choosing a career will enable you to select a perfect career you can flow freely in.

• How Can I Discover My Talent?
Discovering a talent is as simple as getting a nickname to suit your status. First, pick a piece of paper and a pen, and get set to answer the questions below.

a. What Do You Enjoy Doing Most?
Is it singing, dancing, taking care of sick people, or do you like defending or talking on behalf of other people? Whatever it is, write it down and progress with the other questions.

b. What Do You Do Naturally That Others Wish They Could Be Like You?
What are the things that you get compliments from people whenever you do them? Things that attract appreciation and praises like ‘this is nice, keep it up’. It could be drawing, plating of hair, singing or playing football.

c. Has someone ever told you that you can do better in a particular thing than in the thing you are doing at that point in time, or has anybody told you in class that you could do better in Science subjects than in Art subject? If so, go back to that person and ask him or her in a polite manner why he or she said so.

Other Methods for Discovering Hidden Talent

a. Being Inventive: This is the ability to create or develop new things .So, this could be a sign that one is technically inclined and could do well in engineering and other technically related fields.

b. Being Sensitive: This is the ability to respond to the inner voice of wisdom. Response to a persistent call or drive to do a particular thing could be the call to discover a new talent that develops to a fulfilling career.
Now that you know your talent, think about these other factors.

What kind of person are you, what trait do you exhibit in the cause of an event? For example, are you the type that cannot stand the injury or the flow of blood? Then, avoid any medically related career that will expose you to blood because you will not do well.

What are your ideals? Are you comfortable with taking directives from others, or do you always want to be a master of yourself? These values must be considered in the choice of a career if one must be successful. For example, someone who wants to have autonomy (being in charge) in his work would not be happy in a job where every action is decided by another.

Your interest here means what drives curiosity in you. It is also what gives you joy. So before you accept any career, always consider your satisfaction and fulfillment.

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